Welcome aboard

We take you virtually anywhere.

Pilot Recruitment

We are currently accepting applications for membership

Staff Recruitment

We are not currently accepting applications for staff members


Read the pilot handbook

The handbook provides our requirements, features and much more. Click Here

Age 16 or older

Children's Protection Act

Metroair acts in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. Under this act website authors are restricted from the dissemination in any form of personal information of children under the age of 13. As Metroair displays such information, Metroair is unable to allow children under the age of 13 to become members or fly for Metroair.

We however require our pilot's to be a Minimum of 16 Years Old.

Own a Supported Simulator

Metroair allows pilots to fly using FSX, Prepar3D, MSFS 2020 and XPlane. However support and paints for older simulators is becoming less. In addition we do not support paints for FSX era freeware. For questions about what aircraft paints we support see our fleet pages and look at the description of each aircraft type.

Flight Requirements

After being hired a pirep is required be filed within 14 days. After that, one pirep every 30 days. Failure to file a pirep within 14 days will result in your account being terminated. After 30 days of no pireps your account will be suspended and you will need to contact HR for reinstatement.

Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions

Read and accept our privacy policy & terms & conditions.
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Metroair Virtual Airlines

Metroair Virtual Airlines is a not a real airline or company. Metroair serves the virtual airline community for enthusiast & flight simmers.

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